
How can I contact Jatali Swim?

For support, please contact our customer service team at info@jataliswim.com. Please allow 24 business hours for a response and one of our lovely customer service representatives will be happy to help.

Where are Jatali Swim items designed and manufactured?

All Jatali Swim items are designed in Sydney, Australia. Our gorgeous swimwear is manufactured in Bali.

Are there any store locations?

Jatali Swim is exclusively stocked in the iconic Bondi Beach retailer, TUCHUZY.

What is your size guide?

Please check the Size Chart on our website as a guide. If you are in between sizes or need further information you can contact info@jataliswim.com. We are here to help!

How can I make a return?

In order to return your item, you must contact our customer support team at info@shopjatali.com. Please check our “Shipping & Returns” section for further details.

Do you offer Gift Cards?

We do! Please note that Gift Cards are non-refundable.

Can I change/edit/cancel my order?

Unfortunately an order can not be cancelled once it is completed as we try to process your order as soon as it’s placed. However, unless your order is shipped, we can accommodate changes such as changes in style, size or colour. If you need any of these changes, please contact info@jataliswim.com as soon as possible so we can help you. Please allow 24 business hours for a response and if the order is shipped before this time frame, unfortunately we cannot make any changes and you can return the item for a store credit.